About Jaime Williams
Jaime Williams, Sex and Relationship Counselor
I became a Certified Life Coach in 2014. My certification included training in Narrative Therapy, Authentic Movement, re-parenting techniques, various somatic approaches, deconstructing limiting beliefs, and overcoming aspects of oppression in regards to race, gender and social identity, including over fifty hours of monitored counseling sessions. After my certification in Life Coach Counseling, I attended an advanced training specifically focused on love.
After growing my practice as a Life Coach I found that any time sex and intimacy was brought up, we could drop into the root of many of the dynamics that were impacting the relationship as a whole. So I decided to expand my education through studying the Somatica Method in 2016 which focussed specifically on sex and intimacy within relationships. The Somatica Institute was a life changing program for me. There are three key attitudes incorporated into the practice of Somatica; vulnerability, mindfulness and compassion. From that strong base, there are three key realms that the Somatica Method moves dynamically through; embodiment, sexuality and relationship. Becoming an Intimacy and Relationship Coach has been a natural and exciting progression for me, personally and professionally, profoundly impacting both my life and my practice. I was also part of the team at the Somatica Institute in the Bay area, that trains students to become practitioners in 2017 and 2018.
Continuing on in a path to grow myself both as a practitioner and a person, I am currently enrolled in a three year program called Somatic Experiencing. SE was originally created by a well known pioneer in the realm of trauma, Peter Levine. His wealth of knowledge combined with an incredible teaching staff of over fifty faculty, has given me a deep respect for the brilliance of our bodies and reverence for the healing pathway through understanding the nervous system and trauma. I will complete my training in 2023 and in the meantime have seen incredible results in the lives of my clients through being a trauma informed practitioner.
I value ongoing transformational work in my own life and have grown immensely through both the difficult and profound dynamics that can arise in life, consistently humbled and grateful for all that I can learn as I engage with all that life has to offer. I approach the healing arts as I do my life, with a willingness to embrace the possibility that deep healing, reconnection with the beauty of life and intimate connection to both ourselves and others can be only one breath away.
Prior to practicing the healing arts, I worked in the social service sector in San Francisco creating supportive programs involving the arts in homeless family shelters. There, I also trained volunteers to create weekly connections with children and parents who were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, to bring a deeper sense of community and support in the midst of intense challenges. My work within diverse family structures has enhanced my desire to build a connection to the outer world by encouraging practices in our individual lives that set in motion the kind of generous compassion towards the self that will ultimately allow us to extend genuine healing to those around us with minds and hearts of curiosity and love.
My private practice is built out of a wealth of love. I have three beautiful children who are my biggest teachers and of whom I am so proud. I am also immensely grateful for the family, friends, community and partnerships that have caused me to know the reverberant affects of love.